Print workshop

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Open the door to print…

Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop welcomes artists, students and print enthusiasts of all abilities to its well-equipped, friendly and professional courses. The techniques taught include relief printing, etching, screenprinting and lithography.

The Print Workshop was opened in 1979 by distinguished printmakers Daphne Reynolds and Valerie Thornton to encourage artistic development and it has continued to draw a wide audience.

Since the transformational project, Reviving an Artist’s Birthplace, our Print Workshop has seen a beautiful refurbishment itself. The newly upgraded space has increased the capacity and range for people to access the facility, offering traditional skills in printmaking to a new generation.


  • Courses & Events
  • Dates for your diary
  • Become a PWS Member
  • How to book
  • Screen coating & exposing service
  • Meet the Team
  • FAQs
An image of a Print Workshop member using the studio to produce a lino print. There is a window shining light on them from behind.

Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop is a flagship of excellence… perfectly situated in the grounds of the artist Thomas Gainsborough’s (1727–88) childhood home who himself was a leading printmaker.

— Anne Desmet RA 

Become a Print Workshop Member

Enjoy 12 months or 3 months of the following benefits:

  • Free use of the Print Workshop
  • Open six days a week
  • Basic materials included
  • Regular technical support
  • No daily rate charge
  • Discounted rates for courses
  • Inductions provided
  • Free access to the House & Galleries
  • Annual Gainsborough’s House Printmakers’ exhibition in the Sudbury Gallery

Single Member (3 months) £120
Single Member (12 months) £240

*Joint Members (12 months) £450

*Joint PWS Members = 2 named members living at the same address

The reopening of Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop signifies a triumphant return to in-person artistic exploration and collaboration. Visitors will once again have the opportunity to engage in workshops, courses, and events tailored to all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop looks forward to reigniting the vibrant art scene in Suffolk and inviting enthusiasts back through its doors. Whether seeking artistic inspiration, honing printmaking skills, or simply appreciating the beauty of the craft, the workshop promises an enriching experience for all.

Under the expert guidance of Jason Hicklin RE, the Print Room Manager, the workshop will continue to foster creativity and offer a platform for artists to explore the diverse realm of printmaking techniques; the Print Workshop aims to provide an inclusive and inspiring environment for all visitors.

Joining Jason Hicklin in leading the workshop are four talented technicians, Karina Savage, Frin Arnold, Patsy Rathbone & Sally Weatherill. With their passion for the craft and dedication to assisting artists, our Print Workshop Technicians will play instrumental roles in maintaining the workshop’s high standards and ensuring a seamless experience for all participants.

An image of Jason Hicklin inking up an etching plate.
An image of the Gainsborough's House Print Workshop frm Weavers Lane.

If you’re a member of the Print Workshop and are now eager to use the wonderful space, get technical input from our dedicated team and unleash your creativity— here is some information to bear in mind when booking. 

How to book

All Print Workshop members must book a space to use the Workshop by emailing us specifying the date(s) and time as well as what they would like to do. 

This allows our technicians to ensure the right materials and resources are available in the studio for you, that there’s enough space for everyone to work comfortably, and that we can match your printing requirements to the specialisms of our technical support team.

Once we receive your email we will look at the studio bookings diary and confirm your booking, usually within a day of you putting in the request.

Screen coating and exposing service

Remembering Sue Molineux

Meet the Print Workshop team

All of our Print Technicians have their own set of expertise to aid you with your specific practice. If you see them on-site, why not say hello and ask how they could support you?

From left to right:

Karina Savage

  • Photolithography, screen printing, lino and woodcut relief printing, drypoint etching & cyanotype

Patsy Rathbone

  • Screen printing, drypoint etching, lino & monoprint

Sally Weatherill

  • Etching, drypoint & monoprinting

Frin Arnold

  • Screen printing, lino, monoprinting, drypoint & etching

Also pictured, Jason Hicklin
Our Consultant Print Workshop Manager and Course Tutor.

An image of Gainsborough's House Print Workshop Manager and Technicians. From left to right, Karina Savage, Patsy Rathbone, Sally Weatherill, Frin Arnold and Jason Hicklin.

We are thrilled to be re-opening the Print Workshop, which is such an important part of Gainsborough’s House. We are particularly pleased to be working with experienced etcher Jason Hicklin, and I know he will bring vitality and excitement to the Print Workshop.

Jason and his new team of talented and experienced technicians will bring back to life this creative centre at the heart of Gainsborough’s House.

— Mark Bills, Director of Gainsborough’s House (2013–2023)

Print Workshop FAQs
