The National Centre for Gainsborough in Sudbury, Suffolk
With a large collection of Thomas Gainsborough's oil paintings, works on paper and artefacts on permanent display
Your donations matter
We are a small, dynamic organisation with ambitious plans for the future. We wish to be able to show more of Gainsborough’s masterpieces, provide more opportunities for people to enjoy and appreciate art and social history, and help generate economic success in Sudbury. With your help, we can put Sudbury, and the region of Suffolk, firmly on the global, cultural map. Your support at this time is invaluable.
However you choose to donate, we thank you for helping us raise money for our charity. Please click the ‘Donate now’ button below to make an online donation.
Please contact us if you would like to make a regular gift donation via Direct Debit.
My favourite Gainsborough
Gainsborough’s House have asked artists, curators and critics to select their favourite Gainsborough work and explain what it means to them. Here is a selection of those responses.