George John and Sheilah Livanos Study Room

Gainsborough’s House offers enhanced research access to our collections. Collection items not currently on display can be viewed by appointment in the Livanos Study Room.

Please contact Pat Hardy, Keeper of Art and Place (Maternity Cover) for more information. You can enquire about booking the space through our website, please note that your booking will be confirmed once we have checked if we can accommodate your request from your initial enquiry.

Opening hours
Tuesday – Thursday, between 10am–12pm and 13.30–4pm.

An image of a magnifying glass hovering over a Bunbury print.


  • The Study Room is available to members of the public to study objects in the collection, by prior appointment.
  • Anyone under the age of 18 should be accompanied by an adult.
  • Visitors are advised to submit their enquiry at least four weeks in advance.

Making an appointment

  • Information about collections can be found on the Gainsborough’s House Collection page. Please use this resource to identify objects you wish to request. A maximum of 5 items may be requested per appointment.
  • Museum staff will reply by email following receipt of the Enquiry Form to clarify details and confirm date and time of visit. You are strongly advised to not make any travel commitments before an appointment has been confirmed.
  • Once the details of your visit have been confirmed, you will receive a Study Room booking confirmation via email. Please do not arrive at the site for an appointment if you have not received prior booking confirmation.
  • If you are unable to make your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible.

On arrival to Gainsborough’s House

  • Visitors should report to the reception desk at the entrance on Weavers Lane.
  • You will then be given directions to get to the Livanos Study Room.
  • All visitors must wash their hands before heading into the Study Room. Please do not use hand sanitiser as it is harmful to the objects.
  • Cloakrooms are located at reception for storing coats and large bags.
  • All visitors must sign the Visitor Book and produce proof of identity e.g. passport, driving licence or student card.

During your visit

  • The staff member on duty will have the works you have requested at the time of appointment ready for you when you arrive. Please remember that you will be handling original works of art and that these should be treated with the utmost care. The correct handling procedure will be demonstrated to you.
  • A member of staff will be available to assist visitors.
  • Laptops, tablets, cameras and phones are permitted but must be set to silent. The use of any other electronic devices or equipment must be agreed in advance.


  • Visitors are not permitted to take coats, umbrellas, or large bags into the Study Room. These should be left at reception.
  • Notes can only be made in pencil or written on personal electronic devices.
  • Eating, drinking, and smoking are not permitted.
  • Coloured nail varnish is not permitted when handling works on paper or parchment.
  • Study Room staff may ask you to remove items of jewellery that could damage an object.
  • Any material brought in for comparison must be agreed in advance.
  • The marking of any object or the removal of any object or reference book from the Study Room is strictly forbidden.
  • Gloves may be required to handle some types of objects. These will be provided by the Livanos Study Room staff.
  • Handling guidelines must be followed, and some objects may only be handled by the Study Room staff.


  • Visitors are permitted to take photographs (without flash) for research purposes. Please note that restrictions do apply, and Gainsborough’s House reserves the right to prohibit photography if we think the process may put any objects at risk. Please seek further advice from staff.
  • Access to the collections is provided on the understanding that readers respect Gainsborough’s House ownership and its consequent rights to publication and reproduction.
  • Applications to publish or reproduce material from the collections must be addressed to

Staff will be pleased to try to answer further questions regarding copyright. In cases in which it is not vested in Gainsborough’s House, the Museum disclaims responsibility for infringement.
