Buy a Brick: Help build the future for Gainsborough’s House

Gainsborough's House 46 Gainsborough Street, Sudbury, United Kingdom

Buy A Brick For Our New Galleries and Crinkle-Crankle Wall Gainsborough’s House is undertaking a major capital project to establish a national centre for Gainsborough so more people can enjoy the special setting of the artist’s childhood home and garden. The project will double the size of the museum and refurbish and re-display the historic...

Fine Art Prints by Gainsborough’s House Print Workshop

The Pond Gallery Snape Maltings, Snape

Members of the Gainsborough's House Print Workshop exhibit their work at The Pond Gallery, Snape Maltings. Shops & Galleries open: Monday–Saturday 10am–5.30pm Sunday 10.30am–4.30pm (browsing from 10am)

Wood Engraving with Anne Desmet

Learn the art of wood engraving from a recognised expert in the field. As well as fine line engraving on end-grain boxwood, Anne will show hand burnishing on Japanese papers, printing with a press and the creative possibilities of collage using wood engraved prints and unusual printed papers. Anne Desmet RA studied at the Ruskin...


Susan Jones: Blind Embossing & Viscosity Printmaking

Explore printmaking possibilities with multiple inks and no ink. Make subtle prints without ink created by light and shade with lino and collagraph. Print two colour viscosity prints with lino, drypoint and collagraphs. Create collagraph prints with 3 different viscosity inks to produce multicoloured images. Refresh and extend skills and use development time to further...

Jason Hicklin: Etching

This workshop explores all aspects of intaglio etching, including softground, hardground and sugarlift aquatint. Jason fosters creative results and professional practice. Several techniques taught on the course are similar to those used by Thomas Gainsborough. Jason Hicklin creates beautiful atmospheric etchings based on the British landscape and is an enthusiast for all aspects of etching....

The Lost Sketchbook

Discover the story of Anne's lost sketchbook and see if you can find a missing page to complete the picture. Create a new sketchbook and start on your own arty adventures. £2 per child and £3 per adult Includes admission to all the galleries No need to book Recommended age 3-12 years.

Colin Gale: Lithography

Lithography is often thought of as the closest printmaking technique to painting and drawing because of its direct mark-making. Working on stone, zinc plate or aluminium photo plate, the technique is taught in easy to follow stages. Students are able to work on several images during the course using their own reference. Colin Gale directs...

Clever Clay Creations

Squidge, sculpt, squash and stamp with clay. Create a clay animal like Gainsborough's horse, make a stamp block, model a head and get messy. £2 per child and £3 per adult Includes admission to all the galleries No need to book Recommended age 3-12 years.

Megan Fishpool: Could it be Magic?

Three into one makes an image. Learn all about three very special print making techniques; Carborundum, Chine Collé and Collagraph. The course conveys ‘Omne Trium Perfectum’, three techniques that perfectly express creative ideas. Exploring a rich choice of texture, colour, layered structures and their registration, we use studio friendly products, processes and practice on this...

Giant 3-D Landscapes

Step inside Gainsborough's world and help us create a giant 3-D version of one of his paintings. Make huge people and animals. trees, grass, sky and mini works to take home. £2 per child and £3 per adult Includes admission to all the galleries No need to book Recommended age 3-12 years.

Annabel Ridley: Screenprinting with Photo Stencils

Explore screen printing with photo stencils. Work on different scales and surfaces and enjoy colour, text and image. Create an exciting visual language with mark making and layering. These techniques are compatible with digital processes and are rapid, safe and fun to use. Annabel Ridley studied at St. Martin’s and Camberwell Schools of Art. Her...

Black and White

Imagine a world in monochrome and create art works using only black, white and grey. Pop-up skylines, paper weaving, positives and negative painting. £2 per child and £3 per adult Includes admission to all the galleries No need to book Recommended age 3-12 years.
