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An image of a pencil on paper writing; It all starts on Saturday. The National Saturday Club logo is overlayed in the top left corner.

National Saturday Club launch: Week 1

October 5, 2024June 28, 2025

We are joining forces with the National Saturday Club network to offer free art classes to 13–16 year olds who live, work or study in Sudbury and the surrounding areas.

From Saturday 5 October 2024 to Saturday 28 June 2025, we have a rich programme of workshops lined up, facilitated by a team of highly skilled and knowledgeable practitioners currently working and teaching in the creative industries.

As a Club member you will attend weekly Saturday workshops that will take place between 10am–12pm at Gainsborough’s House. These will offer a fantastic opportunity to develop new skills, gain confidence in your own ideas and meet lots of like-minded people your own age with creativity and experimentation at the core of everything you do.

To sign-up for our Art&Design Club, please see here.

If you’d like more information about the Club and how it works; please contact Charlie Dixon charlotte@gainsborough.org


