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A print by James Gillray.

Georgian Charity – The Age of Gillray

December 6, 2023 @ 5:00 pm6:00 pm

with Emma Boyd

The museum’s Keeper of Art explores the rise of charitable enterprise in Georgian England, focusing on three charities that both Gainsborough and Gillray would have been familiar with: the Foundling Hospital, the Marine Society, and the Magdalen Hospital.

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About the lecture series

This engaging and entertaining lecture series looks not just at the inspired and salacious art of late Georgian satirist James Gillray, but also at the Britain in which he lived. Some of the subjects covered will range from Gillray and George IV to Georgian fashion and the rise of British Gin!

Each lecture starts at 5pm in the Landscape Studio and costs £20 (aside from the last lecture, which costs £30). If you book for all 10 you qualify for a discount. The cost for all 10 lectures together is £180.

These lectures are fundraising events for Gainsborough’s House.

Please note that lecture titles may change.

Book all 10 lectures now.
